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A period of Grace refers to the period of time an employee may clock in after their shift is due to begin without being penalised. This is called an In Grace.

A period of Grace may also apply when the employee clocks out early before their shift is due to finish. This is called an Out Grace.

For example, a period of In Grace could be 3 minutes with a penalty of 15 minutes. If the employee is up to 3 minutes late clocking in, they will not be penalised. However, if they were more than 3 minutes late clocking in, 15 minutes will be deducted from their accumulated work time.

Graces and penalties are defined in minutes and an analysis code (e.g. Late) must be selected to record the penalty against.

Periods of grace are applied to timebands using the Work Pattern Maintenance screen. Typically the period of grace would be applied to a mandatory timeband.

Note: Only one period of In Grace and one of Out Grace can be applied per timeband.

Grace periods can also be applied to breaks using the Breaks Maintenance screen.

How do I define a period of grace?

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter a Code. This must be a unique identifier and can be up to six alphanumeric characters.

  3. Enter a Description.

  4. Select the grace period Type, in or out.

  5. Select the Analysis Code to be used to record the penalty against.

  6. Click Save.

The following additional fields are available:

  • 1st Grace is the number of hours and minutes for the first grace period (e.g. 0.03 = 3 minutes).

  • 1st Penalty is the number of hours and minutes for the first penalty period (e.g. 0.15 = 15 minutes).

  • Other Grace is the number of hours and minutes for another grace period (e.g. 0.30 = 30 minutes).

  • Other Penalty is the number of hours and minutes for another penalty period (e.g. 1.00 = 1 hour).

  • Tick All Clockings if this grace period applies to all clockings.

  • Tick Production to record the production amount. If this is ticked, the detail to be displayed on the timesheet, allowing persistent lateness to be recorded and viewed.

  • Select an analysis code in Production Code to be displayed on the timesheet.


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